WPBulky v1.1.6

WPBulky v1.1.6 - WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types is a helpful tool that allows you to work with post types in bulk. The plugin supports sufficient tools to bulk edit post types like posts, pages, media, custom post types

Jan 26, 2025 - 07:17
WPBulky v1.1.6
WPBulky v1.1.6

WPBulky v1.1.6 - WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types is a helpful tool that allows you to work with post types in bulk. The plugin supports sufficient tools to bulk edit post types like posts, pages, media, custom post types

Demo : WPBulky v1.1.6

WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types can filter properties of post types such as title, slug, image, publish date, status, allow comments, allow trackbacks, author, password, metadata … quickly get post meta fields to edit in bulk. Take advantage of the plugin, you can master editing post types in bulk, save time and enhance site management at a high level.

WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types can do functions to edit properties of Post types in bulk like such as some default post types of WordPress: Posts, Pages, Media.

This plugin’s function does not include editing post types of WooCommerce like product, shop_order and shop_coupon.

  • Filter post types by ID; Title; Content; Excerpt; Slug; Range of date; status; Author; Categories; Tags; Formats
  • Append, prepend and replace text in text fields in bulk
  • Add, change, remove images of post types in bulk
  • Enable, disable comments in bulk
  • Enable, disable all trackbacks in bulk
  • Change post type’s status in bulk maybe: Published, Scheduled, Pending, Draft, Private
  • Assign, remove categories for post type in bulk
  • Assign, remove tags for post type in bulk
  • Change post type’s format in bulk maybe: Audio, Gallery, Image, Link, Video
  • Set, edit, remove post type’s password in bulk
  • Change post type’s author in bulk
  • Metadata(Custom field in all post types)

Support bulk edits in all fields of a post type.

You can use filters to get fields of the post type based on their property to edit in bulk. The plugin is available with all fields of post types such as ID; Title; Content; Excerpt; Slug; Range of date; status; Author; Taxonomies; Formats….

  • ID: You can filter the range of post types by ID, separate IDs with commas or minus.
  • Title: This allows you to filter a post type using the title that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Content: This allows you to filter post types using the content that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Excerpt: You can filter post types using the excerpt that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Slug: This allows you to filter post types using the slug that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Range of Post date: You can filter post types based on the date of post.
  • Post status: Filter post types by status: Draft, pending, private, Published.
  • Author: Filter post types users who release.
  • Taxonomies: Filter post type based on taxonomies.

Manipulations with the table and cells to bulk edit post types

  • Select objects: Entire table; Columns; Rows,
  • Undo update.
  • Context menu.
  • Copy – Paste
  • Select a range
  • Apply an edit to other cells by dragging the fill handle
  • Delete selected objects
  • Order ascending
  • Order descending.
  • Find and Replace.
  • Duplicate rows.

Bulk edit post types – Other outstanding features

  • The Search tool to find the fields to edit in bulk. On the other hand, you can save time to quickly look for fields you want to edit.
  • Filter orders by ID, Title.
  • Save filter when reloading the page. In particular, the save filter button helps to save all your settings so that the selected options will remain even when you load the page.
  • Bulk edit Custom meta fields from third-party.
  • History to record the edits.

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