Redis Cache Pro v1.22.0
Redis Cache Pro v1.22.0 A business class Redis object cache backend for WordPress Truly reliable, highly-optimized and fully customizable, with a dedicated engineer when you most need it.

Redis Cache Pro v1.22.0 A business class Redis object cache backend for WordPress Truly reliable, highly-optimized and fully customizable, with a dedicated engineer when you most need it.
Demo : Redis Cache Pro
Raw Performance
Object Cache Pro was written from the ground up with raw performance in mind to avoid unnecessary Redis reads and writes and to keep a tiny memory footprint.
Continuously Tested
With 1500+ test cases and 100% coverage, each change to the codebase is tested against all supported PHP versions (7.2 – 8.3), as well as single instances and clusters of Redis 4.0 – 7.0.
WooCommerce Support
Object Cache Pro is extensively tested and optimized for WooCommerce. For your peace of mind, we’re also monitoring the WooCommerce codebase and upcoming releases for potential caching issues.
Debugging & Logging
Sometimes you just don’t know what’s going wrong. The opt-in logging and insightful error reporting make it a breeze to find out. You can even use your own PSR-3 logger.
100% API compliant
Object Cache Pro follows WordPress’ Object Cache API to the letter to avoid mix-ups or those error-prone return values.
Seamlessly Integrated
Object Cache Pro integrates tightly with WordPress itself and the dashboard widget makes interactions easy. It’s Site Health integration, WP CLI commands, Query Monitor integration and Debug Bar panels provide a deep insight into your cache and it’s health.
Future Proof
The death of the widely used Predis’ library (now maintained again) inspired Object Cache Pro’s modular code, which allows adopting new extensions (such as Credis) and new backends (DynamoDB or Memcached) in no time.
Premium Support
Expert, hands-on help setting up your object cache, and receive a response in as little as 30 minutes from your dedicated engineer via email or Slack.
And much more…
Faster binary serialization support
LZF, LZ4 and ZSTD compression
Asynchronous flushing
Batch key prefetching
Batcache & WP Rocket support
Uses semantic versioning
Network (multisite) support
Works as Must-Use Plugin
Extensive and useful documentation
Cache analytics
Giving Back
We’re a proud sponsor of PhpRedis, which is used by thousands of companies all over the world, and is currently the sixth most downloaded PECL extension in history, with over 7 million downloads and counting.
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